Blog posts

Calling batch commands from Cygwin


I am currently working on a product developed in Java. To make it more convenient to users, we also ship some command-line scripts with it to start and stop its different components. Versions for Linux (.sh) and Windows (.cmd, aka batch files) are consequently provided. The database component of the product has, unlike the others, an unpredictable and often long shutdown time. However, we had to guarantee the proper shutdown of this component, which means that after some waiting time we have to kill it.

SVN to Git migration on Windows: when filenames attack


When it comes to version control software, SVN used to be a hugely popular choice until it got superseded by Git. This means that from time to time, for example when a project’s ownership changes from one team to another, you get tasked with moving the code repository from SVN to Git as part of the migration. Such a move is so unlikely that Git already offers an out-of-the-box solution to achieve this: git svn.

Jenkins build parameters and Multibranch pipelines


It took me almost an afternoon of trial-and-error, googling and fixing to get there, which is (for me, at least) way too much for such a basic task. So I thought I would sum it up in a blog post if it can save someone some time in the future…

Using SDL2 with the Google Test framework (gtest)


I have been spending time on a game project in C++. Being a game, this software builds upon the well-known SDL2 framework. But being a good software developer, I also wanted to make sure I could cover the software with some unit testing, so I chose to use Google Test as well.